Saturday, December 19, 2009

Have you ever read the ingredients of your favorite Shampoo or any hair products?

All these unreadable chemical names, and we don't know what they are, if it's bad for our health or not...

Anybody know some other more natural alternative to wash your hair?Have you ever read the ingredients of your favorite Shampoo or any hair products?
I always read the labels on everything. Yes, they are chemicals, but they've been tested and proven to be safe. As long as you aren't allergic to them, use them without worry. You're more likely to be allergic to plant extracts in ';natural'; products.

If you are serious about ';natural haircare'; try some Burts Bees line shampoos, or Trader Joe's. But seriously, stop with the alarmist campaign.Have you ever read the ingredients of your favorite Shampoo or any hair products?
Hiya, Due to an unexplainable scalp rash and itch that appeared when I moved to this location I was told by doc to use steroid lotion!! I don't think so !! I have even tried very expensive bio stuff from health shop but itch continued so now use Johnson's Baby Shampoo and ordinary bath stuff. Even their new bath stuff with lavender has ingredients that I would be suspicious of. There is also a web site that explains all the unpronounsable names on the shampoos etc which is worth a look at, dare say there are others too. Goodness direct sell some really good paraben free stuff but can be expensive. Good luck, keep in touch, Teresa
No worries, when you're going out to buy shampoo or other hair products, ask someone who works there- there's bound to be someone in the hair-care department who knows if it's good for your hair or not. But I can assure you that there are plenty of good shampoos out there and that you shouldn't be worried about what's in it. As long as the results are great, you should be fine!
yea lol i try to read em i just look and see if it has alcohal in it that's the main thing i look for everything else i dont care about
You can make your own shampoo but its can get expensive.

I buy Burt Bees Shampoo and cCondiitoners as they are 98% natural
Buy your shampoos/conditioners at an organic store (Try Whole Foods)!
i always read the labels.

No as with little hair only need spray or paste to hold in place. So don't waste my time
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